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Flora of Australia Volume 11A Mimosaceae Acacia Part 1
Flora of Australia Volume 11B Mimosaceae Acacia Part 2

Various Authors, Photographers and Illustrators
Flora of Australia Series
Published CSIRO Publishing/Australian Biological Resources Study, 2001
ISBN 0 643 06718 3 (hard cover).
ISBN 0 643 06717 5 (soft cover).

Flora of Australia Volume 11aContents


Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) produces the Flora of Australia series which describes the flowering plants, pines, ferns, mosses, liverworts and lichens to the species level. There are over 60 volumes planned. Each volume provides an authoritative summary of current knowledge of the species described and is richly illustrated in both colour and black and white. They contain keys to families, genera, species and infra-species, detailed descriptions of taxa at all ranks, full Australian synonymies, distribution maps, and notes on variation, ecology and biology.

Volume 11 of the Flora of Australia contains the genus Acacia, in the family Mimosaceae. It is the work of 40 authors, illustrators and photographers. The volume is divided into two parts: volume 11A provides introductory essays and descriptions of the first 462 species in the genus, while volume 11B describes the remaining 493 species.

Flora of Australia Volume 11bWattles are found in all terrestrial habitats, from rainforests to alpine communities, in grasslands, coastal sanddunes, deserts, forests and woodlands. In size they range from prostrate, mat-like subshrubs to tall forest trees. They are frequently major components of the understorey of drier forests and woodlands, but in other habitats can be the dominant species, as, for example, in the Brigalow of Queensland, the Myall woodlands of inland eastern Australia or the Mulga woodlands of eremaean areas.

As might be expected, such a large genus has provided many useful products. For aboriginal people wattles have provided timber for implements, weapons and fuel, gums, edible seed, and musical instruments. A substantial industry has been built on the attractive timbers derived from many species, but particularly Blackwood and Mulga. Other species, particularly Black Wattle, have provided the backbone of the tan bark industry in Australia and abroad. In the last decade, a number of Australian Acacia species, especially those from eremaean and monsoonal areas, have been investigated and cultivated in a number of countries for a range of products: fuel wood, wood pulp for paper manufacture, and as a source of edible seeds. Many other species are important in horticulture, in land management, and reafforestation.

Wattle Acacias site

About the book

B5, 673 pages, 84 pages of line art, 64 colour photographs, 511 maps, coloured frontispiece.

Flora of Australia can be obtained from CSIRO Publishing.


Dr P.A.Butcher
Mr A.R.Chapman
Mr B.J.Conn
Mr A.B.Court
Dr R.S.Cowan (deceased)
Mr A.S.George
Dr R.Hill
Mr D.A.Keith
Dr P.G.Kodela
Dr G.J.Leach
Mrs M.A.Lewington
Mr M.W.Mcdonald
Dr M.K.Macphail
Mr B.R.Maslin
Mr L.Pedley
Dr J.H.Ross
Mr T.M.Tame
Dr M.D.Tindale
Miss A.J.G.Wilson

Mrs A.Barley
Mr L.Costermans
Ms S.Curry
Mr L.Dutkiewicz
Ms E.Hickman
Mr D.Keane
Mr B.R.Maslin
Mrs P.Nikulinsky
Mrs M.Peironi
Mr J.J.Rainbird
Mr W.Smith
Mr T.M.Tame
Dr K.Thiele
Ms M.Westmacott

Dr M.D.Crisp
Mr E.Demuch
Mr M.Fagg
Mr P.I Forster
Mrs A.Ireland
Mr D.L.Jones
Mr G.Leiper
Mr T.Low
Mr B.R.Maslin
Mr M.W.Mcdonald
Mr & Mrs J. & M.Simmons
Mr T.M.Tame

Bruce Maslin and the PERTH Team

A project the size of this one spanning almost 15 years has involved very many people, too numerous to mention individually here. However, to many collectors who provided specimens and invaluable field data we extend our thanks, for without their efforts our treatments would have been less complete. We are greatly indebted to Karina Knight and Margaret Lewington for the very competent assistance they have provided; other technicians who have worked with us in the past are also thanked, namely, Terena Lally, Tracy Spokes, Suzanne Curry, Barbara Jones and Diana Corbyn. Special thanks go to Stan Webster for volunteering his time to test the keys to species. Margaret Pieroni and the other artists who did such a splendid job of illustrating the species in these volumes are gratefully acknowledged; Ellen Hickman and Philippa Nikulinski are thanked for the fine job they did in preparing the cover paintings. Robyn Colm assisted in helping BRM acquire suitable material for the A.anthochaera cover painting. The Directors of numerous herbaria worldwide are thanked for allowing us access to the invaluable historical and other material upon which our treatments are based. And of course we received assistance from numerous colleagues worldwide for which we are most grateful. The Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management is thanked for providing the PERTH-based authors with facilities and significant financial support to enable this project to be undertaken.

NSW Team

Many people have assisted the NSW team during the Flora project. Particular thanks are due to the Australian Botanical Liaison Officers (Bob Chinnock, Alex Chapman, Ken Hill and those before them), Barry Conn, Richard Cowan, Clyde Dunlop, Mary Hancock, Greg Leach, Bruce Maslin, Maurice McDonald, Martin O'Leary, Les Pedley, Jim Ross, Terry Tame, Annette Wilson (and others in ABRS) and Peter Wilson.

Australian Biological Resources Study

There are 40 contributors, illustrators and photographers for Volumes 11A and 11B. Their co-operation and patience is gratefully acknowledged.

We especially thank Mr Bruce Maslin, the principal contributor, for his careful work over many years, and for his (sometimes onerous) role in coordinating this massive project.

Particular thanks are also due to Dr Phillip Kodela, for his careful editing of a substantial part of the text and for his unfailing willingness to answer queries, as well as for his input as an author.

The Australian Tree Seed Centre (CSIRO, Canberra) generously provided funding to assist with production of the illustrations, especially of seeds.

The Australian National Botanic Gardens slide collection provided a number of the colour photographs, and we thank Jan Wilson and Murray Fagg for their continued help and support. These slides are individually identified by the initials ANBG in the relevant plate captions.

The Librarians at the Australian National Botanic Gardens were ever cheerful in assisting to locate references.

The production of this volume would not have been possible without the substantial assistance of the Australian Government, State and University Herbaria. Their willingness to provide staff time and resources for this project of national importance is an outstanding example of co-operation between the States and the Australian Government. Overseas institutions have also assisted preparation of the Volume with loans of specimens and by making facilities available to contributors and illustrators.

The Director, ABRS, acknowledges with great pleasure the input by staff of the Australian Biological Resources Study whose work, invisible in the final product, is essential in maintaining the high standards that this series has achieved.

The co-operation of CSIRO Publishing in bringing this book to press is gratefully acknowledged.

Bibliographic Details

National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication entry
Flora of Australia. Volume 11A, Mimosaceae, Acacia part 1.
Includes index.
ISBN 0 643 06718 3 (hard cover).
ISBN 0 643 06717 5 (soft cover).
ISBN 0 643 06744 2 (hard cover Acacia set).
ISBN 0 643 06743 4 (soft cover Acacia set).
ISBN 0 643 05702 1 (hard cover Flora set).
ISBN 0 643 05695 5 (soft cover Flora set).
1. Botany - Australia - Classification. 2. Plants - Identification. I. Australian
Biological Resources Study. II. CSIRO.

National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication entry
Flora of Australia. Volume 11B, Mimosaceae, Acacia part 2.
Includes index.
ISBN 0 643 06720 5 (hard cover).
ISBN 0 643 06719 1 (soft cover).
ISBN 0 643 06744 2 (hard cover Acacia set).
ISBN 0 643 06743 4 (soft cover Acacia set).
ISBN 0 643 05702 1 (hard cover Flora set).
ISBN 0 643 05695 5 (soft cover Flora set).
1. Botany - Australia - Classification. 2. Plants - Identification. I. Australian
Biological Resources Study. II. CSIRO.

B5, 536 pages, 94 pages of line art, 64 colour photographs, 584 maps, coloured frontispiece.

Download the Sample Pages

Sample pages from Flora of Australia Volumes 11A and 11B are available as PDF files. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view the PDF files.

If you are unable to access these sample pages, please contact the Business Manager at ABRS to organise a suitable alternative format.

This work was produced with the generous financial support of Bushcare, a program of the Australian Government's Natural Heritage Trust. Further information on these programs is available at http://www.nht.gov.au, or by writing to The Department of Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 787, Canberra ACT 2601.


Page last updated: Thursday 22 June 2023