Acacia grandifolia Pedley, Austrobaileya 1: 183 (1978)
Tree to c. 8 m high. Bark furrowed, dark brown. Branchlets very acutely angular, stout, densely grey-velutinous. Phyllodes asymmetrically elliptic, straight, 7.5–15 cm long, 20–50 (–75) mm wide, coriaceous, stiff, with 3 or 4 prominent, often yellowish main veins running together near base, clothed with spreading hairs, the minor veins 2 or 3 per mm, widely spaced, conspicuously anastomosing with free vein-endings; gland 1, conspicuous, basal. Spikes 4–9.5 cm long, golden. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 0.7–1 mm long, cupular, dissected to 1/5, coarse, pilose especially in upper 1/2; corolla 2–2.5 mm long, the petals free, with prominent midrib, glabrous; ovary pubescent. Pods slightly constricted between but strongly raised over seeds, compressed-terete, 6–8 cm long, 5–6 mm wide, tomentose. Seeds longitudinal, 4–5 mm long; areole open.
Known only from 2 localities in the Burnett District, Qld, occuring as open stands among sandstone outcrops in sand or in shallow, stony soils derived from basalt. Flowers: Sept.
Allied to A. crassa subsp. longicoma and A. longispicata subsp. velutina (= A. tingoorensis ) . Also related to A. holosericea and its allies.
Type of accepted name
34 miles [54 km] c. S of Mundubbera, Burnett District, Qld, 2 Sept. 1969, L.Pedley 2891 ; holo: BRI; iso: A, CANB, K, NSW.
Racosperma grandifolium (Pedley) Pedley, Austrobaileya 2: 349 (1987). Type: as for accepted name.
Representative collections
Qld: State Forest, ‘Manar’ road, 22 km from Goyndah, P.I.Forster 7114 (BRI, NSW); 8 miles [12 km] E of Gayndah, L.Pedley 2897 (BRI, NSW).