Acacia tingoorensis Pedley, Austrobaileya 5(2): 320 (1999)
Trees. Branchlets angular, stout, velvety with short, dense, spreading hairs. Phyllodes, narrow elliptic, straight to falcate, 9–19 cm long, 13–44 mm wide, usually largest on juvenile plants, hairy near base and on pulvinus otherwise +/- glabrous; longitudinal nerves numerous and parallel, 3 more evident than the rest with the lower two often running together near base, sub-distant (2–3 per mm), +/- sparingly anastomosing; gland basal, 0–1 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences simple; spikes 5–7 (–9) cm long, golden; peduncles 6–8 (–15) mm long, spreading-hairy as on branchlets; rachis spreading-hairy as on branchlets. Flowers 5-merous; gamosepalous; ovary densely pubescent. Pods and seeds not seen.
Restricted to a small area near Kingaroy in the Burnett District, south-eastern Qld; occurs E of A. longispicata . Grows in deep red loam or shallow loamy and sandy soils, in eucalypt woodland or forest; forms dense stands on roadsides. Flowers Aug.-Sept.
Until recently A. tingoorensis was treated as a subspecies of A. longispicata , distinguished by its dense erect velvety (not appressed) hairs on the branchlets, pulvinus and rachis of the spikes. Pods and seeds may provide additional differences but pods of A. tingoorensis are unknown.
Acacia tingoorensis is one of a taxonomically ‘difficult’ group of species that includes A. concurrens , A. crassa , A. leiocalyx and A. longispicata . See also A. grandifolia .
Type of accepted name
Burnett District: 12 km [sic] NW of Kingaroy, Qld, 2623’S 15141’E, 19 Aug. 1973, L.Pedley 4134; holo: BRI; iso: A, B, BRI, CANB, E, L, MO, NSW, PR.
Acacia tingoorensis is based on the following: A. longispicata subsp. velutina Pedley, Austrobaileya 1:176 (1978). Type: as for accepted name.
Racosperma longispicatum subsp. velutinum (Pedley) Pedley, Austrobaileya 2: 351 (1987). Type: as for accepted name.
Representative collections
Qld: c. 32 miles [51.2 km] E of Durong, R.G.Coveny 2089 (A, AD, B, BRI, CANB, K, L, MEL, NSW, PERTH, U, UC, US); 13.4 km by road W of Tingoora on the Durong South road, R.G.Coveny 6757 & P.D.Hind (AD, BRI, CANB, K, LE, MEL, NSW, NU, RSA, US, Z).
This species was included in the Fl. Australia treatment of Acacia as A. longispicata subsp. velutina .