Acacia pennata subsp. kerrii I.C.Nielsen, Adansonia ser. 2, 19: 353 (1980)
Climbing Wattle
Liane. Branchlets with scattered prickles. Stipules of young leaves enveloping flower buds, broadly ovate and tapering, to 0.9 cm long, conspicuously longitudinally veined, puberulous, somewhat hooded. Leaves: petiole 2– 4 cm long, a flattened elongated gland situated immediately or shortly above pulvinus; rachis 6– 22 cm long, with scattered prickles on lower surface, densely clothed with erect to patent hairs on upper surface (also on pinna-rachis), a flattened gland present at or near junction of each of top 1– 3 pairs of pinnae; pinnae 9– 20 pairs; pinnules 25– 60 pairs per pinna, obliquely linear-oblong, 3– 7 mm long, 0.7– 1.5 mm wide, acute, glabrous or ciliate, with midrib excentric basally and nearly central above. Inflorescences capitate, axillary, racemosely or paniculately arranged. Flowers yellowish white. Calyx glabrous except apices of lobes. Pods oblong, (10– ) 14– 16 cm long, 2.1– 2.6 cm wide, coriaceous, dehiscent. Seeds elliptic, 9– 11 mm long, 6– 8 mm wide, c. 2 mm thick, brown; areole distinct.
Found on the tip of Cape York Penin., Qld, where it occurs in or on the margins of rainforest. Also occurs in north-eastern India, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, North and South Vietnam and the Lesser Sunda Islands (Sumbawa and Timor).
Distinguished readily from A. albizioides in that the leaves have more numerous pinnae and pinnule pairs, smaller pinnules, conspicuous stipules and longer and broader pods.
Type of accepted name
Chiang Rai, Mae Suai, Thailand, 25 July 1967, K.Bunchuai & B.Nimanong 1430 ; holo: K n.v .; photo MEL.
I.Nielsen, Fl. Thailand 4 (2): 176, fig. 43, 12-20 (1985); D.L.Jones & B.Gray, Climbing Pl. Australia 2nd edn, 333 (1988), as Senegalia sp. (Bamaga).
Representative collections
Qld: between Bamaga and Lockerbie, B.Gray 4299 (MEL, QRS); Laradeenya Ck, B.Hyland 21051V (BRI, MEL, NSW, QRS); Lockerbie, B.Hyland 21049V (QRS).