Acacia albizioides Pedley, Austrobaileya 1: 311 (1980)
Climbing Wattle
Liane. Branchlets with scattered prickles. Leaves: petiole 2.5- 9 cm long, a raised gland usually present shortly above pulvinus; rachis 2- 18 cm long, with or without scattered prickles below, densely clothed with long straight and crisped hairs on upper surface (also on pinna-rachis), a gland usually present at or near junction of each of top 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae; pinnae 2- 9 pairs; pinnules 16- 28 pairs per pinna, obliquely oblong, 6- 17 mm long, (1.5- ) 2- 4 mm wide, acute, the lower surface often with scattered hairs, with midrib excentric basally and nearly central above. Inflorescences capitate, axillary, racemosely or paniculately arranged. Flowers yellowish white, reddish in bud. Calyx minutely pubescent. Pods straight or twisted, 6- 8 cm long, 1.2- 1.8 cm wide, coriaceous, tardily dehiscent; margins irregularly constricted. Seeds oblong, 9- 10 mm long, 4- 4.5 mm wide, c. 3.5 mm thick, blackish; areole inconspicuous.
Endemic on the Cape York Penin., Qld, where it occurs in or on the margins of rainforest.
See A. pennata subsp. kerrii . and A. sinuata .
Type of accepted name
Near Pandanus Ck, McIlwraith Ra., Cook District, Qld, 25 Nov. 1975, D.I.Nicholson AFO4871 ; holo: BRI; iso: K n.v .
Senegalia albizioides (Pedley) Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc . 92: 250 (1986). Type: as for accepted name.
D.L.Jones & B.Gray, Climbing Pl. Australia 2nd edn, 333 (1988), as Senegalia albizioides .
Representative collections
Qld: State Forest Reserve 310, Goldsborough L.A., B.Gray 2830 (MEL, QRS); VCL Gadgarra Goldsborough, B.Gray 2837 (MEL, QRS); Natl Park Reserve 8, Parish of Weymouth, B.Hyland 11593 (QRS).