About the CD

Wattles of the Pilbara (Version 1.0)

Wattles of the Pilbara is an interactive key and information system for 119 taxa of Acacia (Wattles) occurring in the Pilbara region of northwest Western Australia. The key will assist you to identify Pilbara wattles and to view a range of information about each one via Fact Sheets. The 119 taxa comprise most Pilbara Wattles, including all formally described species, subspecies and varieties, several informal taxa for which little information is known plus several hybrids. The few entities that are omitted from the key are very rare and poorly collected, and appear to represent hybrids of unknown or dubious parentage; these entities are noted in the text under their presumed closest relatives.

With this key you will be able to:

Authorship and citation

B.R. Maslin, S. van Leeuwen and J. E. Reid (2010). Wattles of the Pilbara. CD-ROM, Version 1.0 (Department of Environment and Conservation, Perth).

Wattles of the Pilbara is available from:

Department of Environment and Conservation
Locked Bag 29

Bentley Delivery Centre
Western Australia 6983.
Tel: (08) 9334 0333 or Int: +(618) 9334 0333
Fax: (08) 9334 0498 or Int: +(618) 9334 0498
Email: customerservice@dpaw.wa.gov.au


Centre for Biological Information Technology
Internet: http://shop.cbit.uq.edu.au/Default.aspx


The key is also available on the WorldWideWattle website at www.worldwidewattle.com