A - Leaf showing relatively few pair of pinnae and position of petiole gland (thick arrow) and rachis gland (thin arrow). B & C - Leaflets (lower surface) showing size variation, reticulum and terminal apiculum (B - typical S. rugata; C - large leaflet morphotype of S. rugata, i.e. Bukit Brown variant). Ba - Leaflet reticulum showing detail. D - Stipule large, lobed at base. E - Node showing prominent petiole gland. F - Pod dark-coloured and coarsely wrinkled when dry. Vouchers: P.I. Mao 7419 (A & E); S. Chow 604 (B & Ba); A.T. Gwee et al. (C - SING barcode 0096345); S. Chow 604 (D); J.F. Zhang 12 (F). Drawn by Waiwai Hove. [Published as Fig. 44 in Maslin et al. (2019), Plant Diversity vol. 41]
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