Acacia phlebophylla H.B.Will. in A.J.Ewart, Fl. Victoria 607 (1931)
Buffalo Sallow Wattle
Twisted shrub or tree to 6 m high. Stipules caducous, deltate, c. 1 mm long, with erose margins. Phyllodes oblanceolate, obovate or elliptic, commonly asymmetrical, 4–14 cm long, 1.5–6 cm wide, the margins uneven and mostly resinous, with obtuse apex, mostly with 3 main veins, the secondary veins prominent, strongly anastomosing; gland small or obscure, 3–9 mm above phyllode axil; pulvinus present. Spikes solitary or twinned, to 6 cm long; bracteoles cucullate-conchoid, c. 1 mm long, c. 1 mm wide. Flowers scattered, 4-merous; sepals united. Pods subcylindrical, gently curved, moderately thick-walled, 2.5–11.5 cm long, 8–12 mm wide. Seeds elliptic, 5–7.5 mm long; funicle usually folded 3 times; aril turbinate.
Known only from the Buffalo Ra. in Vic. where it occurs above 350 m in woodlands and heathlands often amongst granite boulders. Flowers June–Dec. and fruits Nov.–Mar.
Closely related to A. alpina but is much larger in all its parts, the phyllodes have irregularly resinous margins and its pods are woodier. Acacia phlebophylla hybridizes with both A. alpina and A. dallachiana in the Buffalo NP, Vic.
Type of accepted name
Mt Aberdeen [Mt Buffalo] (4000 ft [1200 m]), Vic., Mar. 1853, F.J.H.Mueller s.n. ; holo: MEL.
Acacia phlebophylla is based on the following. A. sophorae var. montana F.Muell., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 138 (1859). Type: as for accepted name.
A. phlebophylla F.Muell., First Gen. Rep. Govt. Bot. 12 (1853), nom. nud. ; A. longifolia var. phlebophylla F. Muell., Pl. Victoria 2: 31 (1863), nom. illeg. [not effectively published, fide A.B.Court, R.S.Cowan & B.R.Maslin, Nuytsia 9(3):315–318 (1994)]. Type: as for accepted name.
L.F.Costermans, Native Trees Shrubs SE Australia 306 (1981); T.Tame, Acacias SE Australia 40, pl. 15 (1992).
Representative collections
Vic.: Mt Buffalo, M.Gray 5839 (CANB, MEL); Eurobin Ck Falls, A.C.Beauglehole 41678 (BRI, MEL).