Acacia amanda G.J.Leach (ms), to be published in Appendix to Fl. Australia vol. 11 (2001)
Erect, often multi-stemmed shrub, 0.4–1 (–2) m high. Branchlets smooth, pruinose, glabrous. Phyllodes narrowly elliptic to elliptic or obovate, straight to strongly recurved, 38–124 mm long, 8–36 mm wide, thinly coriaceous, dull grey green, typically pruinose or glaucous, glabrous with 3 distant main nerves and numerous prominently raised anastomoses, isodiametric with smallest islands less than 1 mm across. Inflorescences simple or racemose or rarely paniculate; raceme axes 75–180 mm long; peduncles 15–35 mm long, 1–3 per axil; heads globular, 35–53-flowered, golden. Flowers 5-merous; sepals free. Pods narrowly oblong, prominently raised over seeds, straight, 42–110 mm long, 7–13 mm wide, chartaceous, glabrous. Seeds longitudinal, obloid to discoid, 6–7.5 mm long, dull, dark brown or black, exarillate.
Known only from a very restricted distribution near Koolpin Gorge, Kakadu Natl Park. Frequent along seasonal creek lines and clay loam flats downstream from the gorge. Flowers May–Nov.
This distinctive species is part of a complex centred in the southern part of Kakadu Natl Park. Further work is likely to result in the recognition of additional taxa.
Type of accepted name
Track into Koolpin Gorge, Kakadu Natl Park, N.T., 13o31’S, 132o34’E, 30 June 1993, G.J.Leach 3856 ; holo: DNA; iso: BRI, CANB, MEL, NSW, PERTH.
Representative collections
N.T.: between Coronation Hill and Koolpin Gorge, R.Hinz 547 (DNA); Fisher Ck, M.Lazarides 7692 (B, BRI, CANB, DNA, K, L, NSW, US); road to Koolpin Gorge, B.R.Maslin 7371 (DNA, PERTH); 5km S of Koolpin Ck, M.O.Rankin 1626 (BRI, DNA, K, MO).