Acacia scabra Benth., Linnaea 26: 605 (1855)
Acacia scabra may be simply a variant of A. nodiflora with slightly larger phyllodes (10–20 long 2–3 mm wide). It is known only from the type collection. The G, NSW and P isotypes are given as Drummond’s second collection, which if correct means the species was gathered between the Swan R. and Augusta, fide R.Erickson, The Drummonds of Hawthornden (1969). This area is more than 200 km S of the known geographic range of A. nodiflora . There are specimens of A. congesta at Herb. K and P which are also labelled Drummond 162 .
Type of accepted name
Swan R., W.A., J.Drummond ?2: 162 ; holo: K; iso: ?BM, G, MEL, NSW (ex BM), OXF, P, PERTH.