Acacia plicata Maslin, Nuytsia 1: 451; 452, fig. 22 & 489, map 8 (1975)
Shrub usually 1- 2 m high. Branchlets shortly villous to pubescent-hirsute. Pinnae mostly 2- 3 pairs, 2- 5 mm long (proximal pinnae), 10- 20 mm long (distal pinnae); petiole c. 1 mm long; rachis 4- 15 mm long; pinnules 1- 2 pairs (proximal pinnae), mostly 3- 6 pairs (distal pinnae), narrowly oblong, 6- 15 mm long, 1- 4 mm wide, slightly recurved to revolute, green, hirsutellous; gland on rachis at base of distal pinnae on bijugate leaves, subsequently present or absent when >2 pinnae, sessile, additional glands normally on pinna-rachae at base of uppermost 1- 3 pairs of pinnules. Inflorescences simple, 1 per axil; peduncles 10- 30 long, usually puberulous to subglabrous; heads globular, 40- 55-flowered, golden; bracteoles pilose, the hairs c. 1.5 mm long and especially conspicuous in buds. Flowers 5-merous; sepals 2/3- 5/6-united with pilose lobes. Pods undulate, 1- 2 cm long, 5 mm wide, shortly villous. Seeds oblique, broadly elliptic to globose, 3- 4 mm long.
Restricted to Hill R. area and Cataby Brook, south-western W.A. Grows mostly in loam and loamy clay with sandstone and siltstone along watercourses in Wandoo ( Eucalyptus wandoo ) and York Gum ( E. loxophleba subsp. loxophleba ) woodland.
Distinctive by its undulate pods and its bracteole laminae and calyx lobes which possess a few, long, spreading hairs that are conspicuously exserted in the buds. Acacia drewiana subsp. drewiana has a similar calyx indumentum. A variant with a low, straggly habit (i.e. 0.3 m high) and completely glabrous peduncles occurs at Mt Lesueur (e.g. E.A.Griffin 2140 , PERTH, TLF).
Type of accepted name
Green Ra., W.A., 19 Aug. 1949, C.A.Gardner 9333 ; holo: PERTH; iso: CANB, K, MEL.
B.R.Maslin, loc. cit. ; M.Simmons, Acacias Australia 2: 293 (1988).
Representative collections
W.A.: Cataby Brook crossing on Eneabba- Gingin road, B.R.Maslin 1474a (CANB, PERTH); c. 19 km E of Jurien Bay, B.R.Maslin 2624 (AD, NSW, PERTH).