Acacia latisepala Pedley, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 75: 31 (1964)
Spreading shrub 1–3 m high. Bark of single trunk smooth, grey. Branchlets terete, reddish brown, blackish or dark red, glabrous; ridges inconspicuous. Young foliage-tips of bipinnate leaves reddish or green. Leaves coriaceous, reddish; petiole above pulvinus 1–4 (–4.5) cm long, vertically flattened, glabrous, bearing 1 prominent oblong gland 1/4–2/3 below lowest pair of pinnae; rachis 1–4 cm long, glabrous, eglandular or occasionally 1 small orbicular jugary gland at apex of some leaves; pinnae 1–3 pairs, 1.5–4.5 cm long; pinnules 4–8 pairs, mostly oblong to narrowly obong, (7–) 10–21 mm long, 4–8 (–10) mm wide, glabrous, with midvein closer to upper margin (in upper c. 1/3) and 2 parallel minor veins not reaching margin, apex cordate or obtuse. Phyllodes 6–10.5 cm long, 4–7 mm wide, coriaceous, reddish; midrib acentral; apex acute; 1 large gland 10–20 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences in axillary racemes, or terminal or occasionally axillary false-panicles. Heads 6–10 mm diam., 11–20-flowered, dark yellow. Pods 4–8.5 cm long, 6–10 mm wide, coriaceous to slightly woody, dark brown to black or red, glabrous; margins prominent.
Occurs in the Darling Downs District, Qld, and the Northern Tablelands, N.S.W. Grows in heath and dry sclerophyll forest, often amongst granite boulders, on mountain slopes or at their bases, in shallow sandy soil. Flowers mainly July–Sept.; fruits Oct.
This species, which produces bipinnate foliage and phyllodes on the same shrub, is allied to A. rubida in the ‘Racemosae’ of sect. Phyllodineae . See also A. attenuata . As in A. latisepala the pinnules are 3-veined in A. schinoides .
Type of accepted name
c. 1 mile [1.6 km] W of Jolly Falls, 5 miles [8.1 km] N of Stanthorpe, Qld, 30 Oct. 1963, L.Pedley 1538 ; holo: BRI; iso: NSW.
Racosperma latisepalum (Pedley) Pedley, Austrobaileya 2: 351 (1987). Type: as for accepted name.
D.A.Morrison & S.J.Davies, in G.J.Harden (ed.), Fl. New South Wales 2: 384 (1991); T.Tame, Acacias SE Australia 172, fig. 195; pl. 195 (1992).
Representative collections
Qld: Stanthorpe, July 1904, J.L.Boorman (AD, HO, L, NSW, PERTH, UC, US, Z); Amiens, 30 Aug. 1967, J.Galbraith (NSW); Mt Norman, 7 km NE of Wallangarra, I.R.Telford 3129 (A, CANB, NSW, L). N.S.W.: Torrington, R.Coveny 2268 (A, AD, BRI, K, L, PERTH, US).