Acacia kydrensis Tindale, Telopea 1: 435; 438, pl. 21 (1980)
Kydra Wattle
Multistemmed shrub 1–2 m high. Branchlets red-brown, glabrous. Phyllodes on raised stem-projections, ascending to erect, oblanceolate to narrowly oblanceolate, 3–6 cm long, 9–14 mm wide, obtuse, thick, coriaceous, glabrous; midrib prominent, commonly excentric; marginal nerves prominent; lateral nerves obscure or absent; glands not exserted, 1–3, the lowermost 0–5 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences racemose; raceme axes 1–2.5 cm long, glabrous; peduncles 1.5–3 mm long, glabrous, subglabrous when young; heads globular, 15–24-flowered, yellow; bracteoles dark brown, prominent in buds. Flowers 5-merous; sepals free. Pods linear to narrowly oblong, to 8 cm long, 5–8 mm wide, firmly chartaceous, dark brown to black, glabrous. Seeds longitudinal, oblong-elliptic, 4–4.5 mm long, dull or slightly shiny, black; funicle partially or wholly encircling seed in a single fold, reddish; aril clavate.
Confined mainly to auriferous country in the Deua Natl Park area and c. 65 km SSW in the Kydra Reefs area SE of Cooma. N.S.W.
A member of the ‘ Acacia microbotrya group’ related to A. amoena which is distinguished especially by its exserted phyllode glands and 6–12-flowered heads, see M.D.Tindale, loc. cit. , for additional distinguishing characters.
Type of accepted name
Kydra Reefs, 25 km SE of Cooma, N.S.W., 22 Mar. 1974, R.Coveny 5446 ; holo: NSW; iso, all n.v. : AD, BRI, CANB, K, MEL, UC, US.
M.D.Tindale, loc. cit .; T.Tame, Acacias SE Australia 167, fig. 188 (1992).
Representative collections
N.S.W.: ‘Mtns of the Moon’, Deua Natl Park, G.Moran & L.Thomson 107 (PERTH); Kydra Reefs, 3 Nov. 1971, M.Parris s.n. (NSW, PERTH).