Acacia hispidula (Sm.) Willd., Sp. Pl. 4th edn, 4: 1054 (1806)
Little Harsh Acacia , Rough-leaved Acacia , Rough Hairy Wattle
Spreading, open shrub to 2 m high. Branchlets scabrous, tuberculate with minute hairs commonly at apex of tubercules. Phyllodes asymmetric, narrowly oblong-elliptic, sometimes lanceolate, normally shallowly incurved, 10–30 mm long, 3–10 mm wide, l:w = 3–7, often acute, glabrous to subglabrous; midrib prominent; lateral nerves forming an obscure open reticulum, with peg-like tubercles on abaxial (sometimes also adaxial) margin; gland 3–5 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences simple, 1 per axil; peduncles 5–12 mm long, hispidulous to subglabrous; heads globular, 10–20-flowered, pale yellow to almost white. Flowers 5-merous; sepals c. 3/4-united, with acute lobes. Pods oblong to narrowly oblong, elliptic when 1-seeded, to 4.5 cm long, 7.5–10.5 mm wide, 1–3-seeded, thickly coriaceous to subwoody, blackish, glabrous. Seeds longitudinal, oblong, 7.5–8.5 mm long, c 4.5 mm wide, turgid; funicle-aril linear-clavate, lying along margin of seed.
Disjunct; occurs in the Sydney region (N.S.W.) and also the N.S.W./Qld border area from N of Coffs Harbour extending inland to Torrington and N to Crows Nest (Qld), E to Brisbane. Grows in shallow soil over sandstone or granite, in open Eucalyptus forest.
Seemingly related to A. purpureopetala .
Type of accepted name
None designated .
Mimosa hispidula Sm., Spec. Bot. New Holland 53, t. 16 (1795). Type: as for accepted name.
Acacia hispidula A.Cunn. ex Hook., Icon. Pl. 2: t. 161 (1837), nom. illeg ., non (Sm.) Willd. (1806). Type: Australia, A.Cunningham s.n. ; n.v.
J.E.Smith, loc. cit. ; W.J.Hooker, loc. cit. ; B.A.Lebler, Wildfl. SE Queensland 2: 43 (1981); T.Tame, Acacias SE Australia 121, fig. 125, pl. 125 (1992).
Representative collections
Qld: 10.5 km N of Helidon, M.E.Ballingall 2107 (PERTH); Hills near Plunkett, S of Brisbane, C.E.Hubbard 3803 (BRI). N.S.W.: Rocky Ck, c. 3.2 km N of Coaldale- Grafton road, R.Coveny 4967 (NSW, PERTH); Vale L.O., S of Kurrajong Heights, Lower Grose Valley, T.Tame 1933 (PERTH).