Acacia gloeotricha A.R.Chapm. & Maslin, Nuytsia 12: 487 (1999)
Branchlets finely ribbed, hispidulous with mainly glandular hairs. Stipules persistent. Phyllodes erect, narrowly elliptic, asymmetric with lower margin straight and upper margin convex, 5–9 cm long, 8–18 mm wide, grey-green, glandular-hispidulous, with longitudinal veins numerous, 3–5 more prominent than rest (midrib most pronounced), the minor veins close together and sparingly anastomosing; gland basal. Inflorescences simple, mostly 2 per axil; peduncles 7–15 mm long, glandular-hispidulous; spikes cylindrical, c. 4 cm long, bright-golden. Flowers 5-merous; sepals united at very base; petals hispidulous. Pods linear, raised over seeds, 3–5 mm wide, crustaceous, glandular-hispidulous; margins thick, pale-coloured. Seeds longitudinal, broadly elliptic, 4.5 mm long, black; funicle/aril white.
Known only from the King Leopold Ra., Kimberley region of W.A. Grows in sand over sandstone.
Resembles the more widespread A. stipuligera which has nonglandular pubescence, phyllodes with more than a single gland and a less prominent reticulation, shorter peduncles and densely pubescent pods.
Type of accepted name
King Leopold Ranges [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], [W.A.], , 26 June 1976, A.C.Beauglehole 53912 ; holo: PERTH; iso: BRI, PERTH.
Representative collections
W.A.: King Leopold Ra. [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], A.C.Beauglehole 53862 (BRI, K, PERTH); A.C.Beauglehole 53926 (BRI, PERTH); T.Willing 464 (CANB, K, MEL, NSW, PERTH).