Acacia dodonaeifolia x paradoxa
Shrub to 2 m tall. Branchlets resinous when young, glabrous or with scattered sub-appressed hairs. Stipules 3–5 mm long, +/- spinose (breaking fairly easily ). Phyllodes asymmetrically elliptic to narrowly elliptic, lower margin more convex than the upper, excentrically mucronate, (0.8– ) 1–4 (– 5) cm long, 2–9 mm wide, straight to incurved, green, slightly roughened (similar to A. dodonaeifolia ), glabrous or sparsely sub-appressed hairy on margins or nerves; gland single, 0–4 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences simple; heads globular, 40–64-flowered, resinous; peduncles 6–12 mm long; glabrous sub-glabrous, resinous. Flowers 5 –merous; calyx gamosepalous. Pods linear, 4–7 cm long, 4–5 mm wide; straight or curved, thinly coriaceous, hairy. Seeds longitudinal, arillate.
Of scattered occurrence in S.A. between southern Eyre Peninsula and the south-east of the State, in areas where the putative parents occur.
Notable features of this putative hybrid include its +/- spiny stipules, which are typically smaller than those of A. paradoxa , and its phyllodes which, although variable in size and degree of viscidity, are intermediate between those of the putative parents.
As noted under A. paradoxa there are a number of names, based on plants cultivated in Europe, that probably represent this hybrid, namely, A. hybrida G.Lodd., A. microcantha A.Dietr, A. bartheriana ( barteriana ) and A. armata var. linearifolia .
Representative collections
S.A.: Hindmarsh Is. (near Goolwa), D.N.Kraehenbuehl 5191 (AD, CBG, PERTH); Kirton Point, Port Lincoln, B.Copley 2994 (AD).
(BRM & MO’L)
This hybrid is noted in the Fl. Australia treatment under A. dodonaeifolia .