Acacia concurrens Pedley, Contr. Queensland Herb . 15: 9 (1974)
Single-stemmed, glaucous, glabrous tree to 10 m high. Bark longitudinally fissured, fibrous, grey-black. Branchlets angular, stout, brown, scurfy. Phyllodes obliquely very narrowly elliptic to narrowly elliptic, flat, the upper margin curved, the lower straight, 10.5–17 cm long, 13–60 mm wide, coriaceous, scurfy when young, with 3 or 4 longitudinal veins more prominent, the lower 2 confluent with each other near base, the minor veins 3 or 4 per mm, strongly anastomosing; gland 1, basal, to 2 mm above pulvinus. Spikes 3.5–11 cm long, pale yellow. Flowers 5-merous; calyx 0.6–1 mm long, dissected by 1/6–1/5, with a few hairs near base; corolla 1.8–2 mm long, dissected to 1/2, glabrous; ovary pubescent. Pods linear, slightly moniliform, semicircular, 5–10 cm long. Seeds longitudinal, elliptic, 3.5–4.5 mm long, brownish black; pleurogram without halo; areole open, oblong.
Common in coastal areas from the Mooloolah R., Qld, to Hastings R., N.S.W., between 27S and 29S and E of 152E. Grows in eucalypt forest and woodland, also as regrowth in heath, on hillsides or plateaux in sandy soils or sandy loam, often over shale. Flowers July–Sept. in Qld, late Mar.–early Sept. in N.S.W.
Acacia concurrens together with A. crassa , A. leiocalyx and A. longispicata constitute a group of closely interrelated and taxonomically 'difficult' species belonging to the often confused and poorly defined ' A. cunninghamii group', see L.Pedley, Contrib. Queensland Herb . 15: 9 (1974), Austrobaileya 1: 179 (1978) and Austrobaileya 5: 320 (1999). Many other species with spicate inflorescences and large phyllodes with anastomosing secondary veins (and the major longitudinal veins either running together or confluent with the lower margin near the base) have been referred to this group, including A. cretata and A. tropica . See also A. tingoorensis .
Type of accepted name
Near Brisbane R., Qld, A.Cunningham ; holo: K.
Acacia concurrens is based on the following . A. cunninghamii Hook., Icon. Pl . 2: t. 165 (1837), nom. illeg ., non Sweet (1830). Type: as for accepted name.
Racosperma concurrens (Pedley) Pedley, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 248 (1986). Type: as for accepted name.
W.J.Hooker, loc. cit .; K.A.W.Williams, Native Pl. Queensland 1: 5 (1979); T.Tame, Acacias SE Australia 30, fig. 2; pl. 2 (1992).
Representative collections
Qld: 1.5 km NW of Caloundra, J.H.Ross 3140 (BRI, CANB, HO, NSW, PERTH); Narangba, M.D.Tindale 653 (AD, CANB, E, K, MEL, PERTH); 4.8 km W of Aratula, M.D.Tindale 666 & D.Boyland (BRI, CANB, K, NSW, US). N.S.W.: Tabulam, S.Clark, J.Pickard & R.Coveny 1816 (AD, CANB, CHR, G, NSW, P, TNS, UC, Z); 3.2 km W of Legume, K.Thurtell & R.Coveny 3886 (A, AD, BRI, CANB, K, L, MEL, MO, NSW, US).