Acacia centrinervia Maiden & Blakely, J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales 60: 172; pl. 13, figs 12–17 (1927)
White Hairy Wattle
Very closely related to A. lineata , differing primarily in the following ways. Phyllode midrib central. Peduncles puberulous. Pods and seeds not seen.
This taxon was originally described as A. lineata Group 1 by J.H.Maiden, J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. New South Wales 49: 497 (1916), and probably represents an aberrant form of A. lineata . Except for the type from Parkes, N.S.W., the only other naturally occurring material seen of it is from near Herries Ra., near Inglewood, Qld. ( C.J.Smith 2 , BRI, NSW). ‘Typical’ A. lineata occurs at both Parkes and Inglewood.
Type of accepted name
Parkes, N.S.W., Oct. 1906, J.L.Boorman ; holo: NSW166405; iso: K, MEL.
Racosperma centrinervium (Maiden & Blakely) Pedley, Austrobaileya 2: 346 (1987). Type: as for accepted name.
J.H.Maiden & W.F.Blakely, loc. cit .; T.Tame, Acacias SE Australia 112, fig. 112, pl. 112 (1992).
In Fl. Australia this species is included as a note under A. lineata .