Acacia burdekensis Pedley, Austrobaileya 5(2): 313 (1999)
Trees to 9 m tall; branchlets reddish, angular, scurfy, resinous (as are young phyllodes). Phyllodes straight to strongly falcate, widest below the middle, tapered to acute apices, (7) 9.5–14.5 cm long, 7–18 mm wide, glabrous; longitudinal nerves parallel and rather crowded (3–4 per mm), 2 or 3 more prominent than the rest, anastomoses few; pulvinus 4–6 mm long, reddish; gland basal, prominent with distinct swelling and an obvious orifice. Inflorescences simple; spikes 25–40 (–60) mm long, moderately dense; peduncles 7–12 mm long. Flowers 5-merous; calyx gamosepalous, cupular 0.5–0.75 mm long, glabrous except for a few minute trichomes on margins of lobes; ovary white-hirsute. Pods and seeds not seen.
Largely confined to the northern part of the Burdekin R. basin between c. 1830’S and 21S, Qld, where it occurs on stony and sandy soils on hillsides and on creek banks.
Acacia burdekensis has been previously included in a rather heterogeneous A. leiocalyx but differs in being a moderately large tree with rather elongate phyllodes similar in shape to those of A. leptostachya with fine crowded, only sparingly anastomosing, secondary nerves.
Type of accepted name
North Kennedy District: 8 miles [c. 13 km] W of Pentland, Qld, 19 June 1953, M.Lazarides 3543; holo: BRI; iso: CANB (n.v.), PERTH.
Acacia sp. (Torrens Creek C.T.White 8725), L.Pedley (1997) Mimosaceae. In R.J.F.Henderson (ed.), Queensland Plants: Names and Distribution (Queensland Herbarium, Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage: Brisbane.).
Representative collections
Qld: Greenvale Nickel Mine turn off, 1853’S 14453’E, G.N.Batianoff GV9104106 & Franks (BRI); Charters Towers - Clermont Rd 42 miles [67 km] from Charters Towers, 1960, Johnson 1854 (BRI); 3 km W of Noname Hill, Valley of Lagoons; 1844’S 14521’E, Aug 1988, Mockett s.n. (AQ 476295); Torrens Creek, Mar 1933, C.T.White 8725 (BRI).
(LP & BRM)
This species was not included in the Fl. Australia treatment of Acacia ; the above account, which is based on the original description, was provided for use in WATTLE by L.Pedley.