Acacia awestoniana R.S.Cowan & Maslin, Nuytsia 7: 185; 186, fig. 1A–C (1990)
Resinous, viscid shrub 2.5–3 m high. Branchlets glabrous. Stipules persistent, obliquely ovate, 2–4 mm long. Phyllodes patent, obliquely widely elliptic to elliptic, 1.5–3 cm long, 11–22 mm wide, undulate, obtuse to truncate and cuspidate, coriaceous, glabrous, with 3–6 main longitudinal nerves and sparingly reticulate inbetween. Inflorescences 1–3-headed racemes; raceme axes 2–7 mm long, puberulous; peduncles 12–20 mm long, glabrous; basal bract 1.5–2.5 mm long; heads globular, 5–6 mm diam., 54–60-flowered, golden; bracteoles peltate, acuminate. Flowers 5-merous; sepals 3/4-united. Pods narrowly oblong, straight, to 2.2 cm long, 3–5 mm wide, villous. Seeds oblique (?), oblong-elliptic, 4 mm long, glossy, brown; aril terminal.
Endemic in Stirling Range Natl Park, c. 80 km N of Albany in south-western W.A. Gazetted a rare species in W.A. Grows in Wandoo woodland.
Most closely related to A. dictyoneura which has smaller, mucronulate phyllodes, smaller stipules and bracts, shorter peduncles, ovate to lanceolate bracteoles and free sepals. Both species are in cultivation in Tas.
Type of accepted name
Stirling Ra. Natl Park [precise locality withheld for conservation reasons], W.A., 15 Oct. 1974, A.S.Weston 9708 ; holo: PERTH; iso: BRI, CANB, K.
M.Simmons, Acacias Australia 211 (1981), as A. dictyoneura ; R.S.Cowan & B.R.Maslin, loc. cit.
Representative collections
W.A.: Stirling Ra. Natl Park [precise localities withheld for conservation reasons], B.R.Maslin 3745 (PERTH), H.Steedman (PERTH00193909) and A.S.Weston 9130 (MEL, NSW).