Acacia angusta Maiden & Blakely, Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland 38: 115; pl. 16, figs 1–6 (1927)
Tree or shrub 3–6 m high. Branchlets red-brown, glabrous to appressed-puberulous. Phyllodes linear, usually 9–20 cm long and 1.8–3 mm wide, narrowed towards often uncinate apex, thin, glabrous to subglabrous, 1-nerved per face; lateral nerves absent or indistinct; glands prominent, exserted, 1–3, lowermost usually 1–4 mm above pulvinus. Inflorescences racemose; raceme axes 1–3 cm long, slender, appressed-puberulous; heads globular, 12–20 flowered, bright yellow; peduncles 2–5 mm long, appressed-puberulous. Flowers 5-merous; sepals free. Pods linear, rounded on opposite sides over alternate seeds, to 14 cm long, c. 5 mm wide, thinly coriaceous, dark brown to blackish, with yellow margins, glabrous. Seeds longitudinal, oblong-ovate, 4–5 mm long; funicle sometimes partially encircling seed in a single fold, very pale red-brown; aril clavate.
Discontinuous from the Gogango Ra. near Rockhampton W to near the Drummond Ra., Qld.
L.Pedley, Austrobaileya 1: 289 (1980), referred to two aberrant specimens: one from Clermont (phyllodes 8–9 cm long and 4 mm wide with l:w = 18–23), the other from West Mt Morgan (phyllodes to 5 mm wide with gland 1–3 cm above the base).
The funicle suggests affinities with the ‘ A. microbotrya group’; it may resemble narrow phyllode forms of A. pustula , especially on account if its prominent glands.
Type of accepted name
The Virgin, Springsure, Qld, 3 July 1913 [sphalm: ‘August’], J.L.Boorman s.n .; holo: NSW166409; iso: BM n.v. , fide L.Pedley, Austrobaileya 1: 288 (1980), BRI, K, MEL.
Racosperma angustum (Maiden & Blakely) Pedley, Austrobaileya 2: 344 (1987). Type: as for accepted name.
J.H.Maiden & W.F.Blakely, loc. cit.
Representative collections
Qld: 67 km from Rolleston towards Springsure, I.B.Armitage 833 (NSW, PERTH); Mt Morgan, D.A.Goy 323 (BRI, NSW); c. 5 km from Springsure on road to The Gap, B.O’Keefe 839 (BRI, PERTH); c. 30 km E of Duaringa, N.Hall H78/70 (NSW, PERTH).