A - Leaf showing petiole gland (thick arrow) situated near middle of petiole and position of rachis glands (thin arrows). B - Leaflet (lower surface) showing symmetrically rounded apex and mostly patent lateral veins. C - Stipule. D - Rachis gland quite large. E - Petiole gland (lateral view) peripterous showing splayed upper surface curving downwards. F - Petiole gland (plane view) peripterous showing splayed upper surface extended beyond width of petiole. G - Pod. Vouchers: H.T. Tsai 56336 (A & G); H.T. Tsai 53403 (B, C & D); B.R. Maslin & L. Bai BRM 11022 (E); Q. Li 3e0466 (F). Drawn by Waiwai Hove. [Published as Fig. 12 in Maslin et al. (2019), Plant Diversity vol. 41]
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